Imprint / Impressum




Terms of service


Diensteanbietende Person gemäß § 5 TMG und inhaltlich Verantwortliche*r gemäß § 6 MDStV:

Dr. Mega Consulting,

vertreten durch Dr. Laura Francesca (Fox) Mega,

Bölschestr. 20, 12587 Berlin

E-Mail-Adresse: office (at)dr-mega(dot)com 

Webseite :

Angaben Zum Unternehmen
Umsatzsteuer Identifikationsnummer (USt-ID): DE315448598

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Unsere E-Mail-Adresse finden Sie oben im Impressum.


Wir sind nicht verpflichtet, an Streitbeilegungsverfahren vor einer Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle teilzunehmen.

I. Scope

These terms and conditions apply to all contracts for participation in training courses or workshops by Dr. Mega with clients and companies (hereafter referred to as "customer" or "you").

II. Formation of contract and subject matter of the contract

(1) A contract with us is established when you accept our offer; usually sent to you by e-mail, in writing.

(2) Dr. Mega Consulting provides consulting, coaching and keynote services, as well as organizing trainings and workshops of varying length, defined by the scope of the offer agreed on between Dr. Mega Consulting and the client. The trainings will be held with trainers and experts from Dr. Mega Consulting and their extended network of experts and partners. If a training is not possible because the number of participants is too small, we will try to offer an alternative date.

III. Cancellation policy

(1) Open trainings (i.e. not in-house) can be cancelled free of charge up to 14 days before the training begins. If your cancellation occurs at a later date, we will charge the full participation fee.

(2) Cancellation of in-house trainings is free of charge until six weeks before the start of the training. Cancellations between three and six weeks before the start of the training are subject to a 50% cancellation fee. Cancellation two weeks before the start of the training will incur a charge of 100% of the total amount.

(3) We reserve the right to cancel training offers if too few participants register.

(4) You have the right to prove that we have not incurred any damage in the amount of the cancellation fee or that it is significantly lower than the cancellation fee.

(5) Cancellations must be made in text form (in writing, by e-mail or by fax).

IV. Non-utilisation of services/non-participation in trainings

(1) If you cannot make use of the full scope of services for reasons for which you are responsible, there is no right of reimbursement for the unused part.

(2) If you are unable to attend a workshop, training or meeting, you must inform us immediately so that we can ensure the smooth running and benefit of the training for the remaining participants (where applicable).

V. Withdrawal by the organizer/changes in the course

(1) We reserve the right to withdraw from the contract for good cause. A good cause is, among others, in case of force majeure, failure to reach the minimum number of participants or illness of the facilitator.

(2) If the minimum number of participants is not reached, our withdrawal will be made known no later than three weeks before the start of the training. In all other cases, the withdrawal will be made known immediately after the important reason has become known.

(3) Dr. Mega Consulting is entitled to postpone a date for important reasons in terms of time and place. In the event of a postponement, the customer is entitled to withdraw from the contract. Dr. Mega Consulting will inform the customer immediately via one of the addresses given in the bookings (by mail, e-mail, telephone etc.). The sending of such information shall be deemed sufficient.

(4) In the event of the cancellation of a training, Dr. Mega Consulting will refund the payment made in full or in part. Further claims, especially for reimbursement of travel, hotel costs or loss of earnings are excluded, except in cases of intentional or grossly negligent behaviour.