Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Workshops

Explore how to create inclusive spaces, built on belonging

Our most popular topics

In a rapidly changing world, embracing diversity, fostering inclusive cultures, and building belonging by bridging divides has become more important than ever. Our customized workshops and learning journeys are designed to equip individuals, teams, and organizations with the knowledge and tools to create an inclusive environment where everyone can thrive.

Co-Creating Belonging

What is belonging? How does it show up? Why is it important? What is the difference between belonging and inclusion and what does it have to do with co-creation? How does belonging impact creativity, collaboration, and the business bottom line? These are the central questions addressed in this training.

Inclusive Communication

Being intentional about inclusive communication has little to do with aesthetics and everything to do with widening the circle of human concern to appreciate every person in our unique differences.

We look at how the way we communicate shapes experiences of exclusion and belonging. We will see how communication and language deeply matter in the way we relate to each other.

Inclusive Leadership

A better understanding of barriers to belonging and mechanisms of exclusion will help us widen our sense of empathy, and ultimately foster a feeling of belonging in our teams and organizations. In a collaborative session, we work to recognize hidden assumptions, become aware of mechanisms of exclusion, and discuss opportunities for intervention.

Beyond Bias: Awareness, Identity and Power

Become aware of your perceptual patterns and explore ways to shift your responses from biases and stereotypes to curiosity and courage. Topics covered include the science of social judgments and perception, the intersection of personal- & social identity categories, and the mechanisms of power.

The Belonging Lab

A six-session learning journey to upskill, empower, and enable DEIB teams, DEIB Councils, and internal champions, in a safe and empathic environment designed for sustainable learning and growth.

Enhance your self-leadership skills, harness difference and diversity, and empower yourself and each other to shape a culture where every human can feel seen, supported, and valued in the full expression of their identity.

Why learn with us?

  1. Expert Facilitators: Our experienced facilitators bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise in DEIB practices. They create a safe and respectful space for open dialogue and learning.

  2. Customized Approach: Diversity is unique to each organization, and one-size-fits-all solutions are ineffective. Our workshops are tailored to align with your specific goals and challenges, using a co-creative process including pre-session surveys.

  3. Comprehensive Topics: Our sessions cover a range of DEIB topics, including unconscious bias, cultural competence, inclusive leadership, allyship, and more. We provide a holistic approach to ensure an in-depth understanding and application of DEI principles.

  4. Interactive Formats: We strongly believe in the power of hands-on learning. Our workshops utilize interactive activities, case studies, group discussions, and role-playing exercises to ensure active participation and practical application.

  5. Sustained Impact: Our trainings and workshops are not just one-time events. We aim to create lasting change by providing integration support and resources that enable you to embed DEIB practices into your organization's DNA.

  • Hear from our clients

    Working with Fox was an inspiring and extraordinary experience. Their ability to convey the important key messages in an empathic, authentic and yet evidence based manner allowed teams to experience workshops that were informative and eye-opening at the same time. Moreover, their authenticity creates an environment that allows honest self reflection and vulnerability, even in group settings. The workshops with Fox had a lasting effect on teams and left them with enough food for future thoughts and ongoing improvements.

    - Christiana Bukalo, Founder of Statefree e.V.

Why we don’t offer unconscious bias workshops

The trouble with unconscious bias training

Unless unconscious bias workshops are implemented as a long-term effort instead of superficial, one-shot training, they can backfire and produce the opposite, adverse effect to the one desired. Studies show that finding out that biases are involuntary and widespread can lead to more discrimination, not less (Kalev et. al., 2006).

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Maybe one of our other services can support your current needs and situation more effectively.